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This site is really about my take on a number of media, technology and music business issues as I smack into them in my life and my business. Among them are: The challenges of running a small record label in the Music 2.0 (sorry) world, audio and music technology and business, learning and instructional technology and media, and just being a 40 something desk jockey with (now - gulp) 10 year old twins. (Sheesh - kids just keep growing and getting older no matter what you do!)

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Coffee Cup

IMG_0881.JPGI hear that coffee is the new wine - whatever that means. I will say that I have really gotten into coffee this past year. I am no barista and I probably don't even qualify as a coffee geek, but I have put some time into pouring a good cup of joe while supporting fair trade distributors. Currently I am brewing/drinking what so far has to be my favorite source of coffee; Counter Culture coffee. Very fresh, Fair Trade and Organic offerings - check out some of their micro lots. Mmm-Good.

Other good ones: Global Libations in Kutztown Pa, I like their Costa Rican La Amistad, and Alterra Coffee in Milwaukee Wi, thier Dark Sumatra - strong stuff but mmmm good.

Don't forget Joe's Coffee Bar in Philidelphia. Excellent fresh roasted beans and fair trade too!

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Kicking off 08

Happy New Year.

In the new year I hope to really get this thing going so stay tuned!

 I have a lot going on.

The record label, AMP Recordings that I co-own and run with my dear pal Mark Bunce is up and running now. We face quite a few challenges. First, most of the music what we put out is not written by the performers. You know what this means - Mechanicals! Most of what I do lately seems to be chasing down copyright holders and setting up mechanical releases. This can be as easy as doing some Internet searches and clearing mechanicals on Harry with a credit card, or as time consuming as tracking down copyright holders at their home address and setting up deals for mechanical rights. A big challenge is setting up mechanicals for Digital Down Loads. I will post a separate article regarding this in the near future.

I am also involved in a music retail business, Tone Bender Music. It has been a while since I cut my teeth in the music and recording gear business, but I am am back in the thick of it. I will be posting on the challenges we face as we try and set up a boutique shop using mainly the internet as our storefront. I will be at the winter NAMM conference and will try and post from there with pics and the whole bit.

I am still employed developing elearning courses and content - always something going on there, so whew - when I have the time I will post thoughts, issues, happenings when I can! (I am trying the latest version of iGTD for the mac and have "update blog" as a project with scheduled tasks.... we'll see how that goes.)

Check back and Happy New Year! 

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